Trusts – an efficient and legitimate solution
For many years offshore trusts have been an extremely efficient vehicle for legitimately minimising taxation for entrepreneurs and internationally mobile individuals.
In addition to possible tax savings, offshore trusts offer several clear benefits, namely:
- Security
- Estate planning support
- Confidentiality
- Flexibility
- Asset protection
In other words, a trust allows an individual (settlor) to segregate his or her assets and plan for their use both during the settlor’s lifetime and also afterwards.
Trusts and confidence
Under a trust, the settlor gives away ownership and control of assets to a trustee. He or she must be confident that these assets will be correctly maintained and distributed, and that all local tax and legal procedures, not just in the country where the trust is managed from, but also in other parts of the world, have been taken fully into account. A settlor may appoint a protector to provide independent oversight.
Trusts and business structures
Trusts can also be an effective business tool. Offshore trusts are now used in international business structures.
Rosetrust AG in Zug will set up and manage offshore trusts and Swiss and offshore corporate entities for clients. We can also act as an expert protector on trusts where others are trustees. We offer efficient and personal service combined with detailed expertise. Please contact us to discuss your needs.